The keytool is a utility shipped with your Java SDK. It enables you to manage keys and certificates used for self-authentication or data integrity and authentication services. The security related data is stored in a so-called keystore, which is basically a file in your local file system. Besides your own private/public key pairs also public keys of your communication partners reside in this file. If you like to learn more about the keytool or keystore please visit this site.
Hermes FTP Server makes use of the keystore implementation provided by Sun Microsystems for negociating secure connections with FTP clients. If you wish to send your own self-signed certificate to the client, change into the Hermes FTP installation folder and issue the following command from the command line:
keytool -genkey -alias hermes -keyalg DSA -keystore keystore -validity 365 -storepass secret -keypass secret
Now that keystore and key are created, you need to modify the configuration file hermes-ctx.xml. Find the following lines and change filename and password:
... <prop key="ssl.keystore.file">keystore</prop> <prop key="ssl.keystore.password">secret</prop> ...
Please note that the created self-signed certificate is inappropriate in a production environment. If security is essential, you should apply to a certificate authority for a properly signed server certificate, and then import it into the keystore.