You may want to start the FTP server as soon as the system is up an running. Therefore, the binary distribution of Hermes FTP server was bundled with a precustomized Java Service Wrapper for Windows NT/2000/XP and Linux x86.
Before you install the service/daemon please check the settings in the application context file hermesftp-ctx.xml . In particular, find the option "ftp.root.dir" and set the value to an appropriate FTP data folder (e.g. c:/ftpdata or /home/ftp/data) .
In order to install Hermes FTP Server as a NT service you have to execute the following batch file:
net start HermesFTPServer
The installation process of a daemon varies among linux distributions. The instructions in this document refer to Debian or Ubuntu distributions.
Login as "root" and change into the folder $HERMES_HOME/service/bin. Make sure the java wrapper script/binary is executable:
chmod 755 wrapper chmod 755
./ start ./ stop
If the daemon started successfully create a soft link in the /etc/init.d folder
ln -s $HERMES_HOME/service/bin/ /etc/init.d/hermesftp
update-rc.d hermesftp defaults
SuSE users must use the chkconfig (or insserv) script to register the daemon:
chkconfig -a hermesftp
Now restart the system:
shutdown -r now
update-rc.d -f hermesftp remove rm -f /etc/init.d/hermesftp
chkconfig -d hermesftp