Class Summary | |
FtpCmdAbor | ABORT (ABOR) This command tells the server to abort the previous FTP service command and any associated transfer of data. |
FtpCmdAllo | ALLOCATE (ALLO) This command may be required by some servers to reserve sufficient storage to accommodate the new file to be transferred. |
FtpCmdAppe | APPEND (with create) (APPE) This command causes the server-DTP to accept the data transferred via the data connection and to store the data in a file at the server site. |
FtpCmdAuth | AUTHENTICATION/SECURITY MECHANISM (AUTH) The argument field is a Telnet string identifying a supported mechanism. |
FtpCmdCdup | CHANGE TO PARENT DIRECTORY (CDUP) This command is a special case of CWD, and is included to simplify the implementation of programs for transferring directory trees between operating systems having different syntaxes for naming the parent directory. |
FtpCmdClnt | |
FtpCmdCwd | CHANGE WORKING DIRECTORY (CWD) This command allows the user to work with a different directory or dataset for file storage or retrieval without altering his login or accounting information. |
FtpCmdDele | DELETE (DELE) This command causes the file specified in the pathname to be deleted at the server site. |
FtpCmdEprt | The EPRT Command (EPRT) The EPRT command allows for the specification of an extended address for the data connection. |
FtpCmdEpsv | The EPSV Command (EPSV) The EPSV command requests that a server listen on a data port and wait for a connection. |
FtpCmdFeat | FEAT Command It is not to be expected that all servers will necessarily support all of the new commands defined in all future amendments to the FTP protocol. |
FtpCmdHelp | HELP (HELP) This command shall cause the server to send helpful information regarding its implementation status over the control connection to the user. |
FtpCmdList | LIST (LIST) This command causes a list to be sent from the server to the passive DTP. |
FtpCmdMdtm | MDTM Modifies the timestamp of a file or path. |
FtpCmdMkd | MAKE DIRECTORY (MKD) This command causes the directory specified in the pathname to be created as a directory (if the pathname is absolute) or as a subdirectory of the current working directory (if the pathname is relative). |
FtpCmdMode | TRANSFER MODE (MODE) The argument is a single Telnet character code specifying the data transfer modes described in the Section on Transmission Modes. |
FtpCmdNlst | NAME LIST (NLST) This command causes a directory listing to be sent from server to user site. |
FtpCmdNoop | NOOP (NOOP) This command does not affect any parameters or previously entered commands. |
FtpCmdNotImpl | This class represents commands not implemented yet. |
FtpCmdOpts | OPTS Command The OPTS (options) command allows a user-PI to specify the desired behavior of a server-FTP process when another FTP command (the target command) is later issued. |
FtpCmdPass | PASSWORD (PASS) The argument field is a Telnet string specifying the user's password. |
FtpCmdPasv | PASSIVE (PASV) This command requests the server-DTP to "listen" on a data port (which is not its default data port) and to wait for a connection rather than initiate one upon receipt of a transfer command. |
FtpCmdPbsz | PROTECTION BUFFER SIZE (PBSZ) The argument is a decimal integer representing the maximum size, in bytes, of the encoded data blocks to be sent or received during file transfer. |
FtpCmdPort | DATA PORT (PORT) The argument is a HOST-PORT specification for the data port to be used in data connection. |
FtpCmdProt | DATA CHANNEL PROTECTION LEVEL (PROT) The argument is a single Telnet character code specifying the data channel protection level. |
FtpCmdPwd | PRINT WORKING DIRECTORY (PWD) This command causes the name of the current working directory to be returned in the reply.. |
FtpCmdQuit | LOGOUT (QUIT) This command terminates a USER and if file transfer is not in progress, the server closes the control connection. |
FtpCmdRest | RESTART (REST) The argument field represents the server marker at which file transfer is to be restarted. |
FtpCmdRetr | RETRIEVE (RETR) This command causes the server-DTP to transfer a copy of the file, specified in the pathname, to the server- or user-DTP at the other end of the data connection. |
FtpCmdRmd | REMOVE DIRECTORY (RMD) This command causes the directory specified in the pathname to be removed as a directory (if the pathname is absolute) or as a subdirectory of the current working directory (if the pathname is relative). |
FtpCmdRnfr | RENAME FROM (RNFR) This command specifies the old pathname of the file which is to be renamed. |
FtpCmdRnto | RENAME TO (RNTO) This command specifies the new pathname of the file specified in the immediately preceding "rename from" command. |
FtpCmdSize | SIZE Returns the size of the passed path in bytes. |
FtpCmdStat | STATUS (STAT) This command shall cause a status response to be sent over the control connection in the form of a reply. |
FtpCmdStor | STORE (STOR) This command causes the server-DTP to accept the data transferred via the data connection and to store the data as a file at the server site. |
FtpCmdStou | STORE UNIQUE (STOU) This command behaves like STOR except that the resultant file is to be created in the current directory under a name unique to that directory. |
FtpCmdStru | FILE STRUCTURE (STRU) The argument is a single Telnet character code specifying file structure described in the Section on Data Representation and Storage. |
FtpCmdSyst | SYSTEM (SYST) This command is used to find out the type of operating system at the server. |
FtpCmdType | REPRESENTATION TYPE (TYPE) The argument specifies the representation type as described in the Section on Data Representation and Storage. |
FtpCmdUser | USER NAME (USER) The argument field is a Telnet string identifying the user. |
Contains the implementation of all FTP command classes.